Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Last Updated February 15, 2024


We’re glad you’re here. These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern our relationship with you as a user of Clubhouse’s products and services, including our iOS and Android apps and our website (together, we refer to these as our "Products"). By using our Products, you agree to be bound by these Terms and acknowledge that you have read our Privacy Policy. You also confirm that you have read and agree to our Community Guidelines.

These Terms contain an arbitration clause that applies to residents of the United States. Please review Section 11 of the Terms for details.

1. Using Clubhouse

Clubhouse is a social network based on voice. Our products include our iOS and Android apps and our website (our "Products”).

Among other things, our Products allow you to use your voice to interact with others in real time through “Conversations.” These audio Conversations may include  “Chats,” “Live Rooms,” and Voice Messages called “VMs” or “Messages”. Our Products also allow you to  share recordings of your interactions for others to enjoy (or participate in) later.

You may use our Products only if you can form a binding contract with Clubhouse, and only in compliance with these Terms and all applicable laws. You must be at least 13 years old to use our Products, or if the age of lawful consent under the laws of your country of residence is older than 13, you must be at least the age of lawful consent to use our Products.

Creating an account: If you open a Clubhouse account, you must provide us with accurate and complete information to allow us to create, verify, and maintain your account.

Guest Users: We may also allow you to use our Products to a limited extent without opening an account, such as by allowing you to participate in audio conversations with other users. You may be able to join a Conversation (such as a Chat or Live Room) or a community (a “House”), to speak to other users in real time for a limited amount of time using a link, or accept invitations for Conversations (such as Live Rooms) scheduled for a future date. Before you can participate in Conversations as a Guest User, we may ask you for some information (i.e. your name) which will be used to identify you to other users for the duration of your experience while using our Products. We will only allow you to do so if you agree to our Terms like any other user must; all provisions of our Terms, our Privacy Policy, and our Community Guidelines apply to you the same as they do for any other user.

Subject to these Terms and our policies (including our Community Guidelines), we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable license to use our Products. If you are using the Products on behalf of a business or some other entity, you represent that you are authorized to bind that business or entity to these Terms and you agree to these Terms on behalf of that business or entity (and all references to “you” and “your” in these Terms will mean both you as the end user and that business or entity).

Some of our Products may consist of software that is downloaded to your computer, phone, tablet, or other device. You agree that we may automatically upgrade those Products, and these Terms will apply to all upgrades.

By providing your mobile telephone number or email address, you agree that we may communicate with you via text messages or other electronic means to your mobile device, provided that we obtain your consent where we are legally required to do so. In the event you change or deactivate your mobile telephone number or email address, you agree to promptly update your Clubhouse account information to ensure that your messages are not sent to the wrong person. You can opt out of certain types of communications via your account settings.

We may collect personal data of minors under 18, who in any case are of age under applicable privacy law. All users under 18 are defaulted into a “private profile” setting, which limits what information is publicly available. (Privacy settings for others’ Conversations and House conversations will vary based on the creator’s preferences.) You can change these settings in your profile at any time. More information about private profiles can be found in our Knowledge Center.

2. Personalization

Our Products are personalized for you by design. We'll use your activity and interests on our apps and website to recommend Conversations, content you might want to share, Conversations you might want to start or join, other users to connect with, Houses or groups you can join, and other content we think may be interesting to you. For additional details, please see our Knowledge Center.

3. Your Content

Our Products allow you to interact with others through Conversations. You can start live conversations that happen in real-time (“Live Rooms”), or asynchronous conversations, including “Chats” and “Messages” or “VMs,” which do not happen in real time.

Our Products also allow you to post content, including audio content, visual images, GIFs, text, and symbols. Anything you say, post, or make available in our Products or generate using the Products is referred to as “User Content.” User Content may include personal information you provide us (such as Account Information and Biographical Information) and personal information we get when you use Clubhouse (such as Usage and Activity Information and Conversations), as described in our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy describes how we handle the information you provide to us when you use our Products.

You can share User Content with your “friends-only,” “friends-of-friends,” or “House” (user community) networks, depending on your set preferences. Your “friends-only” network includes just your “friends” (people who you add as a friend, who also add you back). Your “friends-of-friends” network includes your friends, as well as the users your friends are also friends with (including other users who you may not follow, or who may not follow you). A “House” is a community you can join with other users, where you can have Conversations (including Chats or Live Rooms) with other House members. A House may be “Open,” meaning any user can join it and participate in sharing content, or “Closed,” meaning members must be invited or approved before they can join and interact in the House.  More details about each type of Conversation and other type of User Content you can create, the applicable privacy settings you can set for each Conversation, and how to manage your content on Clubhouse can be found in our Privacy Policy and Knowledge Center.

A. Your rights and responsibilities

Clubhouse is a place for people to talk, tell stories, develop ideas, deepen friendships, and meet interesting new people around the world. As part of this community, you must follow our Community Guidelines when you use our Products. You are responsible for any activity that occurs in your account, so it’s important that you keep your account secure, and it is your responsibility to maintain the security of any passwords or other codes you use to access your account. If you think that someone has gained unauthorized access to your account, please advise us immediately.

You retain all ownership rights in the User Content you contribute to Clubhouse. But you also give us legal permission to use that content, as explained in the next section.

B. How Clubhouse and others can use your content

When you share User Content on Clubhouse, you grant us a license to use that content. The license we are granted depends on the features you use, the type of User Content you share, and the settings and preferences you have selected.

For all User Content you submit to our Products (including Public Content), you grant Clubhouse and our affiliates a worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license to host, store, cache, use, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, publicly perform, adapt, edit, publish, analyze, transmit, and distribute that content for the purpose of operating, developing, providing, promoting, and improving our Products in any media formats or channels. This license includes a right for us to make your content available to, and pass these rights along to, service providers with whom we have contractual relationships related to the provision of our Products, solely for the purpose of providing such Products. Nothing in these Terms restricts other legal rights Clubhouse or its users may have to User Content, for example under other licenses, express or implied. We reserve the right to remove or modify User Content for any reason, including User Content that we believe violates these Terms, our Community Guidelines, or other policies.

We call User Content that is made available to any user of Clubhouse (e.g., within an open community, called an “Open House,” or on a public user profile) or outside of Clubhouse “Public Content.” Among other things, this includes all User Content displayed on public profile pages and Conversations that take place in “Open” Houses. Because Public Content is inherently public, you grant Clubhouse, our affiliates, other users of the Products, and our business partners an unrestricted, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, and perpetual right and license to create derivative works from, promote, exhibit, broadcast, syndicate, reproduce, distribute, synchronize, overlay graphics and auditory effects on, publicly perform, and publicly display all or any portion of your Public Content in any form and in any and all media or distribution methods, now known or later developed, including use of your name, likeness, and voice, for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

You represent and warrant to us that the User Content you contribute to Clubhouse is either not subject to copyright or any other proprietary rights or that you have all necessary permissions, clearances, and authorizations to contribute the User Content to Clubhouse and to grant us all of the rights that you grant to us under these Terms.

We have no obligation to edit or control User Content that is contributed to our Products. While we’re not required to do so, we may access, review, screen, and delete your User Content at any time and for any reason, including to provide and develop our Products or if we think your User Content violates these Terms, our Community Guidelines, or other policies.

C. Recordings on Clubhouse

Trust and Safety. As explained in our Privacy Policy, Clubhouse records audio conversations in Live Rooms temporarily so we can investigate any complaints regarding violations of our Community Guidelines or our Terms of Service, or otherwise illegal or illicit activity. This is part of our commitment to you under these Terms of Service to work to provide a safe space for your Conversations and combat illegal and harmful conduct and content.

If we receive a complaint regarding violations of our Community Guidelines or our Terms of Service, or otherwise illegal or illicit activity, we will investigate accordingly, which may include reviewing any available recordings.

By speaking in a Conversation, including Conversations within Houses, you acknowledge that Clubhouse and its users may record your voice and other User Content, and are permitted to use the recording in any manner consistent with our Privacy Policy.

Live Rooms. If we receive a complaint while a Room is live, we will review the recording to determine whether a violation has occurred.  We will retain the recording as long as reasonably necessary to investigate the potential violation. Otherwise, we delete the recording shortly after the Live Room ends.

Chats. We record and save all Chats by default. We make Chats available to other users depending on the privacy setting preferences set by the user that started the Chat (the “Chat Creator”). Depending on a Chat Creator’s privacy settings and selected audience, when the Chat Creator creates a Chat, it may be shared with their “friends-only” network, their “friends-of-friends” network, or the audience of a specific House, as well as others who are invited into the room or enter it via a shared link. Full details of how to set up your privacy preferences for Chats can be found on our Knowledge Center. Chats are created and saved at the direction of Chat Creators, and remain available unless a Chat is deleted by the Chat Creator, or unless participant(s) in the Chat delete a specific audio comment (a section of an audio Chat or VM) they have created.

Voice Messages. We record and save all voice messages (“Messages” or “VMs”) by default. We make VMs available to one or more users who have been invited to participate in the conversation. VMs are created and saved at the direction of the creator of a VM, and remain available unless a VM is deleted by the creator of the VM, or unless participant(s) in the VM delete specific audio segments they created.

Replays. We record Conversations in Live Rooms and make them available to other users where the room creator instructs us to do so by enabling the “Replay” feature. When Replays are enabled, the recording will be stored by Clubhouse and may be made available to other users on Clubhouse or other people outside of Clubhouse. Replays are created and saved at the direction of Live Room creators, and remain available unless the Live Room creator instructs us to remove the Replay. If you don’t want to be recorded, you can leave the Live Room at any time.

Disabling optional recording features. Creators of a Live Room or its moderators may disable optional audio recording features, such as Replays.

Guest Users. If you provide identifying information or create content as a Guest User, that information and content may be recorded, saved, and shared indefinitely with other users, depending on the privacy settings of the Conversation that are set by its creator.

D. Feedback you provide

We always love to hear from our users, but you are not required to provide us with feedback. If you do provide feedback or suggestions to us, we may use your feedback and suggestions without compensating you, and without any restriction or obligation to you. You agree that we will own all rights in any materials or other items that we develop based on your feedback or suggestions.

4. Respect For Other People’s Legal Rights

Clubhouse respects the intellectual property rights of others and we expect our users to do the same. You may not use our Products in a way that violates or infringes someone else’s rights of publicity, privacy, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights.

A. Repeat infringer policy

It’s our policy, in appropriate circumstances and at our discretion, to disable or terminate the accounts of people who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing copyrights or other intellectual property rights. In keeping with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we’ll respond quickly to claims of copyright infringement on Clubhouse that are reported to our designated copyright agent, identified below.

B. Reporting claimed infringement

If you’re a copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of one, you can report alleged copyright infringements on our Products by completing the DMCA Notice of Alleged Infringement and sending it to our designated copyright agent. To submit a DMCA notice, just fill out our copyright complaint form:

Submit a DMCA Notice

If you'd prefer not to use this form, please send the following information to our designated copyright agent:

1. Identify the copyrighted work you believe has been infringed. If you’re reporting multiple copyrighted works, you can provide a representative list of those copyrighted works.

2. Identify the content on our Product you claim to be infringing your rights, including the information we need to help us find it, such as a URL.

3. Provide your mailing address, phone number and email address.

4. Include both of these statements in the body of your notice:

"I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the copyrighted material or reference or link to such material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law (for example, as a fair use)."

"I hereby state that the information in this notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I’m the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the copyright that’s allegedly infringed."

5. Include your full legal name and your electronic or physical signature (for example, by typing your full name).

Send your completed DMCA notice to:

Alpha Exploration Co. dba Clubhouse

548 Market Street PMB 72878

San Francisco, CA 94104

Email Address: copyright (at) clubhouse.com


Make sure to put this email in the “To” field. Emails to the “CC” field may not reach the appropriate Clubhouse member.

This email address should only be used for copyright complaints. If you need to get in touch with us for any other reason, please visit our Knowledge Center.

When we get your DMCA notice, we’ll take whatever action we determine is appropriate, which may include removing the reported content from our Products. If we remove content in response to a DMCA notice, we may notify the person who contributed it to Clubhouse so they have the opportunity to submit a counter-notice. We may also send a complete copy of the notice to others, as appropriate.

5. Trust and Safety

We record Conversations in Live Rooms so that we can investigate any complaints regarding violations of our Community Guidelines or our Terms of Service or otherwise illegal or illicit activity, as explained in Section 3.C above. We record Conversations in Chats and VMs, including Conversations that take place within Houses, as a part of the Products, and we may review available recordings associated with these Conversations if we receive an associated complaint. We may also use automated systems, whenever necessary with human intervention, to scan the names of rooms, images, or other surfaces to identify potential violations. We may generate transcripts of audio, either through our own means or third-party services, in order to review content for illegal activity or violations of our terms.

We try hard to make sure Clubhouse is a safe place for all users, and we expect you to do the same. By using our Products, you agree that you will comply with these Terms, including our Community Guidelines and any other policies Clubhouse makes available in order to maintain the safety of our Products. We reserve the right to remove any content from our Products for any reason, or to limit its availability. We likewise reserve the right to terminate or suspend your account, or limit its availability, for any reason.

6. Third-Party Links, Content, And Services

Our Products may contain links to third-party websites, services, special offers, content, or other events or activities that are not owned or controlled by Clubhouse. We do not endorse or assume any responsibility for any third-party sites, information, materials, products or services. If you access any third-party website, service or content from our Products, you do so at your own risk and you agree that Clubhouse will have no liability arising from your use of or access to any third-party website, service or content or the accuracy of any outputs generated by these services. You understand that any third party AI tools may return inaccurate, offensive, or wrong information that does not accurately reflect the inputs you provide.

Examples of third-party services and content that may be integrated with our Products include social integrations, which may be used to provide you with social sharing, and to allow you to share your content on other platforms; and AI integrations, which may be used to help make suggestions or make our Products easier to use. If you share your content to third party services, then that content may stay on those third party services even if you subsequently delete your content on our Products or delete your Clubhouse account.

7. Modification And Termination Of The Products

We’re improving our Products and creating new ones all the time. That means we may add or remove features, products, or functions of our Products, and we may also suspend or stop providing our Products. We may take any of these actions at any time for any reason, and when we do, we may not provide you with any notice beforehand.

Clubhouse may terminate or suspend this license and your access to our Products at any time, with or without cause or notice to you. Clubhouse may also limit your use of specific features in our Products with or without cause or notice to you. While we’ll try to give you reasonable notice beforehand, we can’t guarantee that will be possible in all circumstances. For example:

  • if you are under the age of 18, you may be limited from accessing certain types of content or features;
  • if another user has blocked you, you will not be able to see content from them;
  • if your account is found to have violated our terms or policies, and your account is not immediately terminated, you may retain access to the service but be limited from using certain features, or sharing content;
  • we may deactivate your account due to prolonged inactivity;
  • we may reclaim your username at any time for any reason.

You can terminate these Terms at any time and for any reason by deleting your Clubhouse account. If you violate any provision of these Terms or our Community Guidelines, your authorization to access our Products terminates automatically.

Regardless of who terminates these Terms, both you and Clubhouse continue to be bound by Sections 3, and 9-13 of the Terms notwithstanding termination.

8. Indemnity

You agree, to the maximum extent permitted by law, to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Clubhouse and its respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, suits, proceedings, disputes, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees (including costs of defense of claims, suits or proceedings brought by third parties), relating to (a) your access to or use of our Products, (b) your User Content, (c) any dispute between you and any third party, or (d) your breach of any of these Terms. Clubhouse may assume the exclusive control and defense of any matter for which you have a duty to indemnify Clubhouse and, if we do, you agree to cooperate with our defense of those claims.

9. Disclaimers

Our Products and all included content are provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.


Clubhouse takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any User Content that you or any other user or third party posts or transmits using our Products. You understand and agree that you may be exposed to User Content that is inaccurate, objectionable, inappropriate for children or otherwise unsuited to your purpose.

THE LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS, AND DISCLAIMERS IN THIS SECTION APPLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. Clubhouse does not disclaim any warranty or other right that we are prohibited from disclaiming under applicable law.

10. Limitations Of Liability



11. Arbitration And Dispute Resolution

If you have a concern or dispute with Clubhouse, we would appreciate the opportunity to resolve it without having to resort to formal legal proceedings. You agree to notify Clubhouse in writing at legalrequest@clubhouse.com before filing any claims with a court or arbitration body so that we can attempt to resolve the issue with you. Your notice should include an explanation of your concern or dispute, how it arose, and what (if anything) you want Clubhouse to do to resolve it. If you and Clubhouse cannot resolve the dispute within 60 days of your notice, either you or we may file a formal proceeding in accordance with this Section 11.

Please read the following terms carefully because they require U.S. residents and Clubhouse to resolve all disputes through binding arbitration.

A. Mandatory Arbitration Agreement for U.S. Residents

If you are a resident of the United States, you and Clubhouse agree that all claims between us, including any disputes arising out of or relating to these Terms or use of the Products will be resolved through binding arbitration on an individual basis. There are two exceptions. First, for claims that qualify, you or Clubhouse can elect to have those claims heard in small claims court. Second, any dispute in which either party seeks equitable relief for the alleged unlawful use of copyrights, trademarks, trade names, logos, trade secrets, or patents will be resolved in court. Any disputes concerning the arbitrability of a claim (including disputes about the scope, applicability, enforceability, revocability, or validity of the Arbitration Agreement) will be decided by the arbitrator, except as expressly provided below.

You can opt-out of this agreement to arbitrate by sending a letter to Clubhouse at legalrequest@clubhouse.com stating that you wish to opt-out of the arbitration agreement. You must send us your opt-out notice within 30 days of first registering your Clubhouse account or agreeing to these Terms, but if you previously agreed to a prior version of these Terms that provided for an arbitration opt-out, you do not have the opportunity to opt-out under this version of the Terms.

Any arbitration will be administered by JAMS pursuant to its employment arbitration rules & procedures (the “JAMS rules”), which are available here. If these rules cannot be enforced for any reason, then you and Clubhouse will arbitrate the dispute utilizing JAMS comprehensive arbitration rules and procedures, or other rules the arbitrator deems appropriate for the dispute. The arbitration will be before a single arbitrator and conducted in English.

The arbitrator will have the power to decide any motions brought by any party to the arbitration, including motions for summary judgment and/or adjudication, and motions to dismiss and demurrers, applying the standards set forth for such motions under the California Code of Civil Procedure. The arbitrator will issue a written decision on the merits, the arbitrator will have the power to award any remedies available under applicable law, and the arbitrator may award attorneys’ fees and costs to the prevailing party where permitted by applicable law. The decree or award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered as a final and binding judgment in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

Subject to the Federal Arbitration Act’s exclusive applicability to the enforcement of this agreement to arbitrate, you agree that the arbitrator will conduct any arbitration hearing or proceeding applying California substantive and decisional law and the California Code of Civil Procedure, including the California Civil Discovery Act. You agree that any arbitration under this agreement will be conducted in the county in which you live or such other mutually-agreed location. If the claim is for less than $10,000 (ten thousand U.S. dollars) (and doesn’t involve injunctive relief), you may choose whether the arbitration is conducted (i) solely on the basis of documents submitted to the arbitrator, (ii) through telephone or video calls, or (iii) by an in-person hearing under the JAMS rules in your county of residence.

The arbitrator can award any relief that a court of competent jurisdiction could award. If the arbitrator awards you an amount higher than the last written settlement amount offered by Clubhouse before an arbitrator was selected, Clubhouse will pay you the higher of (i) the amount awarded by the arbitrator, and (ii) $10,000 (ten thousand U.S. dollars).


To the extent any claim, dispute or controversy regarding Clubhouse or our Products isn’t arbitrable under applicable laws or otherwise: you and Clubhouse both agree that any claim or dispute with Clubhouse will be resolved exclusively in accordance with Section 11.B. of these Terms.

B. Venue

For any claims or disputes arising out of or relating to these Terms or use of the Products that are not resolved through binding arbitration under Section 11.A. of these Terms, you and Clubhouse agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of the state courts and federal courts located within San Francisco, California, USA.

12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms are governed by the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. If the laws in your country require agreements with consumers to be governed by the local laws, then Section 12 does not apply to you.

13. Other Stuff

Changes and Notifications

We may revise these Terms from time to time and the most current version will always be available on our website and via our apps. Unless otherwise required by law, or where we need to make urgent changes for safety, security or regulatory reasons, we will give you reasonable advance notice through appropriate, transparent notifications (for example, through our Products) of material changes to these Terms which impact you and the date that they will come into force. The changes will only apply to our relationship going forward. If you do not agree to the changes to the Terms, you will have to stop using our Products. If you continue to use the Products once the changes come into effect, we will take that as your acceptance of the updated Terms.


These Terms, and any rights and licenses granted under these Terms, may not be transferred or assigned by you, but may be assigned by Clubhouse without restriction. Any attempted transfer or assignment in violation of the above will be null and void.

Entire Agreement

These Terms, together with the Privacy Policy, Community Guidelines, and any amendments and additional agreements you may enter into with Clubhouse in connection with our Products, constitute the entire agreement between you and Clubhouse concerning our Products. If any provision of these Terms is deemed invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary, and the remaining provisions of these Terms will remain in full force and effect

No Waiver

No waiver of any term of these Terms will be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term, and Clubhouse’s failure to assert any right or provision under these Terms will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision


This is a contract between you and Alpha Exploration Co. (doing business as “Clubhouse”), with offices located at 578 Market Street, PMB 72878, San Francisco, California 94104. Any reference to Clubhouse includes all worldwide subsidiaries.

These Terms are effective as of February 15, 2024.